Monday, November 3, 2008

How to send break signal in ILOM

ILOM version =
System = SUN T6320

  • Shutdown your Sun system. Numerous way to do it, one of them is using the ILOM webGUI as shown.

Shuting down the machine (click to see enlarged picture)

  • Log in to 2 ILOM sessions using putty.
  • In your first ILOM session, first go to /HOST namespace.
-> cd /HOST

  • Type the following command and standby
-> set send_break_action="break"

  • In your second ILOM session, first start the system by typing the following command
-> start /SYS
  • After that, accessing the console through this command.
-> start /SP/console
  • Wait until it shows your Ethernet MAC address information and before it goes into boot device, use your first ILOM session to send the break signal. In order not to miss the timing, you can send numerous break signals in the anticipation of the Ethernet MAC address information to show up as shown below.

Send the break signal while booting (click to see enlarged picture)
  • And finally the {0} OK prompt.

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